Anyone who receives a product from you is a customer or client. The customer needs something from you, and hopefully, they get it from you. Unfortunately, what the customer needs may ...

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Coaching others to excellence has 4 secret ingredients - MOT (Moment of Truth), THP (There, Here, Path), ALA (Act, Learn, Adjust), and Persist. Moment of Truth (MOT) uses the structure ...

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The Common Pattern of Life Change is … “I was living this way. Then one day, THIS happened. Now I live my life this way.”Does that sound familiar?When you read the ...

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You have 3 options for change when you face any situation, and it is vital in more serious situations. Your 3 options for change are essential when you are in ...

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Good thinking helps us eliminate the lousy part of a common pattern everyone experiences in life. The pattern occurs over and over in our life. The outcome of each occurrence ...

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