About Us

Thank you for your interest in becoming a GR8 leader. We are dedicated to helping organizations create a culture of leaders who are serving, self-governing, and highly engaged.

It doesn't matter if you are an emerging leader, experienced executive, home leader, or small business owner, GR8 Leaders will help you advance your career and life in these 5 areas.


Learn how to get results while valuing and developing people


Learn how help people execute with excellence using self-governance


Learn how to build and develop teamwork and collaboration


Learn how to innovate and change as part of a normal process


Learn to communicate with clarity, candor and persuasion

Each of the above represents an essential leadership capacity. You can click one of the links above to get free access to our growing number of posts covering each of those capacities.

Or, click on "Shop" in the menu to see the topics that are available in our Store covering each capacity.

Let me tell you how all of this happened!

My Eureka Moment

Developing the GR8 Leaders program was not a quick success story. It has been developed and revised over a period of years. The foundation of the material comes from a mixture of work experience, life struggles, and learning from others. But, a critical component throughout the program is that it isn't based on theory - it follows long-standing principles and guidelines that work!

Not long after resigning as an executive in a large oil and gas company, I was talking with a prospective client about helping them develop their executive leaders. The company was, and still is, a large multinational oil and gas company. The discussion was about the programs they use to develop their personnel - at all levels in the organization. 

You probably have had a Eureka or Aha moment - right! 

Well, that discussion was a Eureka for me!

Before Eureka

But, let me briefly go back to my executive management days, before starting GR8 Solutions Group.

During my last 12 years as a manager and executive, I remember thinking how beneficial it would be if there were some clear principles and tools that I could use to be a more effective leader. That was extremely important for me, because most of the roles that I volunteered for or were assigned tended to be in areas where I did not have experience or training. So, it wasn't like I could manage people and help them do their job like I had done it. I was truly in the position of leading solely on the basis of being a resource to help people get things done. 

Yes, my advanced degrees can be a credibility boost, but those degrees did not prepare me for the Managing Director role of a subsidiary of the company I worked for. I knew financial stuff, acquisition and merger stuff, but not how to manage oil and gas properties, and really not that much about managing people. But, that was now my role.

And, after successfully managing that entity and helping the executive team use it to further the parent company, I volunteered for another no experience role. The Information Technology group needed a manager, what is now called the CIO. None of the other members of the management team wanted the job, so I volunteered.

By the way, if you want more details about my experience, you can go here or my resume' is included under the orange "Get the Best We Have" button below.

Back to My Eureka Moment! 

When I was talking to the large company, my focus was on helping them develop the executive leadership team. But, they like most bigger companies have leadership development programs for their executives. But, NOT much for their emerging leaders, first level supervisors, or middle managers.

Eureka! My thoughts went to my resume and the better job I could have done if I had received leadership training from the very beginning.

Yes, executives need to learn and reinforce great leadership values, principles, and skills, but starting with lower level managers could help build a CULTURE of leadership! And, why not include people that show great potential, but aren't in a management position now? Companies could do that to build a strong bench of future leaders!

EUREKA! That was the beginning of GR8 Leaders!

So, it was highly gratifying when they asked me to develop the emerging leaders program for them. What a privilege - what a challenge!

GR8 Leaders Is Created!

So, after months of work and research, racking my brain for what worked for me and what didn't, talking with other leaders, going through multiple revisions with the talent development coordinator of the company - GR8 Leaders was created.

Now that GR8 Leaders exists, one of the more common thoughts I have as I teach and review the material is - "I wish that I had found a product like GR8 Leaders when I first became a leader and even when I was an executive."

But, it's different for you, because it is available. You can have access to the simple and comprehensive GR8 Leaders CATALYST System - right now ONLINE. If you just take 10 to 30 minutes a day, you will begin FAST-TRACKING your leadership capacity. 

Why Another Leadership Website?

Does the world really need another site about leadership?

Of course not!

GR8 Leaders Study Guide

In fact, it doesn’t need most of the ones it already has...

But here’s what makes GR8 Leaders different.

In a sea of leadership websites and career growth blogs, GR8 Leaders is focused on the proven, practical and powerful elements of leading - the ways to make leadership SIMPLE. In other words, this isn't theoretical, academic research...THIS STUFF WORKS!!

A FOUR Year Case Study

One day a client and I were talking about how we thought the GR8 Leaders CATALYST System was making a difference in the people and the company. Both of us were getting very good feedback, saw positive changes in participants, but we didn't have any verifiable data.

We thought, "Wouldn't it be nice to know if the participants were remembering the material, applying it and improving their leadership behaviors?"

So, over the next 4 years, we tracked 8 separate groups, 157 people from the start of each GR8 Leaders group to the end. Each group did all 12 GR8 Leaders courses, 1 course each month for a year.

We were looking for objective evidence from supervisors, peers, and direct reports that participants were becoming better leaders.

Here is how we did gathered that information.

  • At the beginning of each class (typically January), each person participated in a 360 survey which provided feedback from their supervisor, peers and direct reports about their leadership behaviors.
  • From that survey, each person selected 2 leadership behaviors to focus on while they were in the GR8 Leaders program.
  • After the group finished, the same survey feedback was used to identify changes in each person's leadership behaviors.

The results were beyond expectations!

79% of the people improved their 2 selected leadership behaviors

69% of the people improved their OVERALL leadership behaviors score

Typically, scores in the 20% range are considered very good, but GR8 Leaders was rated nearly FOUR TIMES better than that!

We also asked the participants to complete surveys every 3 months during the program to gather information about the quality of the content and facilitator, insights and understanding they got from the material, how they used the material outside class, and specific material that had helped them change.

Below are a few of the data points gathered from those surveys.

  • 97% agree or strongly agree that “GR8 LEADERS is a worthwhile investment for the company.”
  • 96% agree or strongly agree that “GR8 LEADERS is important to my work.”
  • 92% agree or strongly agree that “I am confident in applying the knowledge/skills I am learning immediately back at work”.
  • 94% agree or strongly agree that “I am a more effective leader as a result of applying the knowledge/skills learned thus far in GR8 LEADERS.”
  • 81% agree or strongly agree that “Applying the content of GR8 LEADERS is critical to my job success.”

Click here to download more details about the 4 year study.

And, the material is even better now!

GR8 Leaders 4 Year Case Study Results

A Complete Tool Chest

Best of all, we have a complete "tool chest" of courses, principles, and tools available to help the newest to the most experienced leader.

And, we are looking at ways to make it even simpler to access so you can go directly to the information you need RIGHT NOW!

You can learn more about the program and get it all right now by clicking the button below.

Resume of Hermann Eben

Hermann's professional journey spans over 40 years and encompasses a range of roles and skills. His expertise includes Planning & Development, Project Management, Information Systems, Acquisition & Merger, Business Transformation, and Executive Management. This experience has added adaptability and versatility for coaching in various professional settings.

In 1998, Hermann co-founded TrimTab Solutions, which has now evolved into the GR8 Solutions Group. This company is dedicated to building superior cultures with exceptional leaders. Hermann's GR8 Leaders material is designed to help leaders create cultures that are engaged, serving, and self-governing. Most importantly, it helps develop high-performance leaders with excellent values, focused execution, structured innovation, maximized strengths, and clear communication. The material and coaching are based on simple principles that deliver effective results.

Before Pioneer, he focused on corporate development, strategic planning, and evaluating and acquiring oil and gas properties. He raised funds for acquisitions by presenting to financial and investor institutions. Early in his career, he was responsible for the divestiture process that required four data rooms in Australia and two in the United States, resulting in the sale of the Delhi International Oil Corporation for $620 million in 1981.

He has developed comprehensive leadership and relationship courses, written books, and created numerous workshops. International missionary organizations use his books. He has also served on organization boards and chaired charitable events.

Early credits achieved were Salutatorian of Mesquite High School in 1967, All Big Eight football in 1968, 1969, and 1970, and All-America (Honorable Mention) in football in 1970. Others describe him as motivational with excellent facilitation skills, creative in determining and implementing solutions, persevering, and effective in handling new and difficult situations.

Hermann has lived in Midland, Texas, since 1983 and has three grown children and seven grandchildren. He grew up in Mesquite, Texas, and graduated from Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Master of Business Administration. He is certified as a Business Structural Consultant, an Individual Structural Consultant, a Creating What Matters® facilitator, a Kolbe Conative Index® Interpreter, and a certified Managerial Moment of Truth facilitator.
