The Magic Question Tool uses self-discovery to help people change. It focuses on simple, small actions rather than significant or more complex issues. This tool isn't for you if you prefer to give advice.While not always the case, the tools that promote self-discovery work best for me. Typically, when you listen and ask questions, you understand people better. And they ...
The Common Pattern of Life Change is … “I was living this way. Then one day, THIS happened. Now I live my life this way.”Does that sound familiar?When you read the above common pattern of life change, you probably have at least one question. What is THIS in the second sentence of the common pattern?Well, THIS has two options. The "THIS" ...
"I don't have my own business and don't work in marketing or sales, so why should I be interested in the 4 levels of customer expectations?"That is a very valid question that needs to be answered with a question."Does anyone see, use, review, or notice your work product?" If you answer "No," you have the job many people want because ...
You have three options for change when facing any situation, and it is significant in more severe situations. Those three options are involved when you are in the common pattern for life change. That pattern has three steps, and it sounds like this:“I was living this way. Then, one day, THIS happened. Now I live my life this way.”That is ...
Good thinking helps us eliminate the lousy part of a common pattern everyone experiences in life. The pattern occurs over and over in our life. The outcome of each occurrence leads either to a better life or one that suffers additional consequences.The Common PatternHere is the common pattern. It has three simple statements:I was living this way. Then one day THIS ...
How do you reinforce good thinking and do what is right? Or, how can you do what is right when the temptation is strong to do wrong? Too often, the path of least resistance is toward wrong, so you need a way to do what fits your good values. However, the problem gets worse when you are in a situation where ...
Goals are easy to talk about but often difficult for people to create. So, I hope the following helps you get more done. Below is a process for individuals, and you can easily adapt it for organizations. Or, if you want to save time, download this form for organizations.If you need a complete planning system for organizations, we have just the ...
Anyone who receives a product from you is a customer or client. The customer needs something from you, and hopefully, they get it from you. Unfortunately, what the customer needs may not match what the customer gets from you. That spells "dissatisfied customer" or maybe "lost customer." Finding ways to determine if they are satisfied with what you give them is ...
Are you feeling bad or sad? You probably want different emotions. It is easier than you think! Just act the opposite way. Since your feelings are primarily responders and often untrustworthy, change your actions to help your emotions change. Acting Then Feeling, or...You realize significant benefits when you act, even when your emotions oppose the right action. And there are times ...
One of the best ways to help yourself stop controlling is to slow down. That helps you remember the control boomerang that is about to hit you.Remember what we say about most control people? They are...Good people up to NO GOOD!When we control, there often is a desire to keep people out of trouble and keep them from making mistakes. ...