Coach Execution Excellence and Maximize Productivity
Excellence is what you strive for and you want to help others perform with excellence also. You'll be amazed at how much coaching, Moment of Truth (created by Robert Fritz), and freedom make a difference. Who would have thought something like freedom could increase productivity?
Coach Excellence as You Master Two Remarkable Skills
Develop your leadership and coaching with the two most important skills for leaders - listening and asking questions. Every day your leadership will grow as you use the most powerful skill of asking questions. And, your ability to understand people accelerates as you practice observational listening!

Promote Excellence by Sharing Truth to Develop People
You want excellence and that requires mastering the emotional conflict of when and how to share truth. With the four steps of the Moment of Truth, you master the art of engaging people to higher performance without threats or rewards.

Inspire Excellence and High-performance with Freedom
You will learn why freedom, not control, has a direct link to excellence. Freedom is one of the 6 Critical Values of leadership. Without it, you must constantly look over the shoulder of the people you lead! Freedom aids and engages self-governance. This is a game changer for leaders!

Maximize Excellence and Self-governance with the Freedom V
You become the leader that gets results without demanding and dictating to others. With the Freedom V tool, you have a clear picture of how freedom, self-governance, and boundaries work together to inspire excellence.