2.03 – Communicate Clearly to Get Right Results

Course Description

Communication Uses Influence and Persuasion Strategies provides six documented strategies that show how people are influenced or persuaded. Research shows how much emotions play in decisions and how shortcuts in thinking are often excellent but allow us to be more easily influenced than sometimes desired. This is important to help leaders see how to communicate for impact but not use this information for manipulation.

Clear Communication Requires Clear Thinking helps you understand the foundational elements for clear writing and clear speaking. Leaders often miss the opportunity to influence others, because their thinking is unclear when communicating. Learning and applying simple guidelines to structure writing and speaking will help leaders communicate more clearly. Our THOUGHT-Talk course teaches 11 “Recipes” for leaders to follow to enhance clarity, persuasion, and results in their communication.

Clear Communication Requires Clear Structure gives you some simple guidelines to structure writing and speaking. You need the “Rules of 3’s and 4’s”, the Classic Form, and “recipes” to structure your thinking and communication. This is all from our THOUGHT-Talk course, which teaches 11 “Recipes” to enhance clarity, persuasion, and results in clear communication.

Module 1 Communication Uses Influence and Persuasion Strategies
Unit 1 030100 – Before We Start  
Unit 2 030200 – Reciprocity  
Unit 3 030300 – Commitment & Consistency  
Unit 4 030400 – Social Proof  
Unit 5 030500 – Liking  
Unit 6 030600- Authority  
Unit 7 030700 – Scarcity  
Module 2 Clear Communication Requires Clear Thinking
Unit 1 030800 – Big Picture  
Unit 2 030900 – Clarity Is Hard Work  
Unit 3 031000 – Bracket Tool and Punctuation  
Unit 4 031100 – Change Your Thinking About Speaking  
Unit 5 031200 – 4 Questions Before You Start  
Unit 6 031300 – Identify Patterns and Words from Your Answers  
Unit 7 031400 – Remove Confusing Traps  
Module 3 Clear Communication Requires Clear Structure
Unit 1 031500 – Rule of 3s and 4s  
Unit 2 031600 – Classic Form  
Unit 3 031700 – Recipes  
Unit 4 031701 – TIME Recipe  
Unit 5 031702 – TIME Recipe Example  
Unit 6 031703 – Exercise for TIME Recipe  
Unit 7 031704 – STORY Recipe  
Unit 8 031705 – STORY Recipe Example  
Unit 9 031706 – Exercise STORY Recipe  
Unit 10 031707 – BASEBALL Recipe  
Unit 11 031708 – BASEBALL Recipe Example  
Unit 12 031709 – Exercise BASEBALL Recipe  
Unit 13 031710 – SWING Recipe  
Unit 14 031711 – SWING Recipe Example  
Unit 15 031712 – 6 Basic Recipes  
Unit 16 031800 – Delivery Basics  

Communication Uses Influence and Persuasion Strategies provides six documented strategies that show how people are influenced or persuaded. Research shows how much emotions play in decisions and how shortcuts in thinking are often excellent but allow us to be more easily influenced than sometimes desired. This is important to help leaders see how to communicate for impact but not use this information for manipulation.

Clear Communication Requires Clear Thinking helps you understand the foundational elements for clear writing and clear speaking. Leaders often miss the opportunity to influence others, because their thinking is unclear when communicating. Learning and applying simple guidelines to structure writing and speaking will help leaders communicate more clearly. Our THOUGHT-Talk course teaches 11 “Recipes” for leaders to follow to enhance clarity, persuasion, and results in their communication.

Clear Communication Requires Clear Structure gives you some simple guidelines to structure writing and speaking. You need the “Rules of 3’s and 4’s”, the Classic Form, and “recipes” to structure your thinking and communication. This is all from our THOUGHT-Talk course, which teaches 11 “Recipes” to enhance clarity, persuasion, and results in clear communication.

Module 1 Communication Uses Influence and Persuasion Strategies
Unit 1 030100 – Before We Start  
Unit 2 030200 – Reciprocity  
Unit 3 030300 – Commitment & Consistency  
Unit 4 030400 – Social Proof  
Unit 5 030500 – Liking  
Unit 6 030600- Authority  
Unit 7 030700 – Scarcity  
Module 2 Clear Communication Requires Clear Thinking
Unit 1 030800 – Big Picture  
Unit 2 030900 – Clarity Is Hard Work  
Unit 3 031000 – Bracket Tool and Punctuation  
Unit 4 031100 – Change Your Thinking About Speaking  
Unit 5 031200 – 4 Questions Before You Start  
Unit 6 031300 – Identify Patterns and Words from Your Answers  
Unit 7 031400 – Remove Confusing Traps  
Module 3 Clear Communication Requires Clear Structure
Unit 1 031500 – Rule of 3s and 4s  
Unit 2 031600 – Classic Form  
Unit 3 031700 – Recipes  
Unit 4 031701 – TIME Recipe  
Unit 5 031702 – TIME Recipe Example  
Unit 6 031703 – Exercise for TIME Recipe  
Unit 7 031704 – STORY Recipe  
Unit 8 031705 – STORY Recipe Example  
Unit 9 031706 – Exercise STORY Recipe  
Unit 10 031707 – BASEBALL Recipe  
Unit 11 031708 – BASEBALL Recipe Example  
Unit 12 031709 – Exercise BASEBALL Recipe  
Unit 13 031710 – SWING Recipe  
Unit 14 031711 – SWING Recipe Example  
Unit 15 031712 – 6 Basic Recipes  
Unit 16 031800 – Delivery Basics  