1.12 – Leaders Persevere to the Finish

Course Description

GR8 Leaders finish strong. They are not necessarily optimistic, but they are definitely non-negative which allows a clear mind about resources, obstacles and opportunities. Finishing also requires Focus. Distraction is part of all of our life and worse yet, it is a lifestyle which can be conquered by segmenting, simplifying, slowing down, and single tasking. Finally,
Follow Up realizes that starting is critical, but finishing is the goal. Follow Up is part of the GR8 Leaders formula because it helps you get THERE.

Module 1 Overview
Unit 1 Course 12 Overview  
Module 2 Be Optimistic
Unit 1 Optimism Isn't Cotton Candy Thinking  
Unit 2 Positive Thinking or Non-negative Thinking  
Unit 3 Differing Views of Good and Bad Events  
Unit 4 It's All About Choice  
Unit 5 Learned Optimism  
Unit 6 Fun Helps  
Module 3 Focus
Unit 1 The Distraction Lifestyle  
Unit 2 Focus Is The Answer  
Unit 3 Conquering Distractions  
Unit 4 Segment  
Unit 5 Simplify  
Unit 6 Slow Down  
Unit 7 Single Task  
Unit 8 Working With Distractions – Most Beneficial Element  
Unit 9 Reading and Researching  
Unit 10 Dealing With Others  
Unit 11 Creating A Focus Culture  
Module 4 Follow Up
Unit 1 Helps You Finish  
Unit 2 Five Essential Actions  
Module 5 Plan for the Future
Unit 1 SOAR Process  
Unit 2 5 Questions Process  
Unit 3 Review Kano Model, Customer Needs/Gets  
Unit 4 Goals Review  
Module 6 Mentoring Moments
Unit 1 Mentoring Moments  

GR8 Leaders finish strong. They are not necessarily optimistic, but they are definitely non-negative which allows a clear mind about resources, obstacles and opportunities. Finishing also requires Focus. Distraction is part of all of our life and worse yet, it is a lifestyle which can be conquered by segmenting, simplifying, slowing down, and single tasking. Finally,
Follow Up realizes that starting is critical, but finishing is the goal. Follow Up is part of the GR8 Leaders formula because it helps you get THERE.

Module 1 Overview
Unit 1 Course 12 Overview  
Module 2 Be Optimistic
Unit 1 Optimism Isn't Cotton Candy Thinking  
Unit 2 Positive Thinking or Non-negative Thinking  
Unit 3 Differing Views of Good and Bad Events  
Unit 4 It's All About Choice  
Unit 5 Learned Optimism  
Unit 6 Fun Helps  
Module 3 Focus
Unit 1 The Distraction Lifestyle  
Unit 2 Focus Is The Answer  
Unit 3 Conquering Distractions  
Unit 4 Segment  
Unit 5 Simplify  
Unit 6 Slow Down  
Unit 7 Single Task  
Unit 8 Working With Distractions – Most Beneficial Element  
Unit 9 Reading and Researching  
Unit 10 Dealing With Others  
Unit 11 Creating A Focus Culture  
Module 4 Follow Up
Unit 1 Helps You Finish  
Unit 2 Five Essential Actions  
Module 5 Plan for the Future
Unit 1 SOAR Process  
Unit 2 5 Questions Process  
Unit 3 Review Kano Model, Customer Needs/Gets  
Unit 4 Goals Review  
Module 6 Mentoring Moments
Unit 1 Mentoring Moments  