1.03 – Leaders Communicate with Clarity

Course Description

GR8 Leaders know the 6 strategies that are used to influence and persuade and do not use those strategies to manipulate people. They also know that Clear Thinking is the prerequisite to Clear Writing, Clear Speaking and Clear Objectives.

Module 1 Overview
Unit 1 Course 03 Overview  
Module 2 Influence and Persuasion
Unit 1 Reciprocity  
Unit 2 Commitment & Consistency  
Unit 3 Social Proof  
Unit 4 Liking  
Unit 5 Authority  
Unit 6 Scarcity  
Module 3 Clear Thinking
Unit 1 Use 3 Steps  
Unit 2 Focus On 4 Elements  
Unit 3 Know Your Biggest Obstacle – Clutter  
Unit 4 Use the Bracket Tool; Use Punctuation for Clarity  
Unit 5 Help Listeners Listen  
Unit 6 Getting Started  
Unit 7 Structure Makes the Difference  
Module 4 Clear Objectives
Unit 1 Basics  
Unit 2 Make Objectives SMART  
Unit 3 THP Review  
Module 5 Mentoring Moments
Unit 1 Mentoring Moments  

GR8 Leaders know the 6 strategies that are used to influence and persuade and do not use those strategies to manipulate people. They also know that Clear Thinking is the prerequisite to Clear Writing, Clear Speaking and Clear Objectives.

Module 1 Overview
Unit 1 Course 03 Overview  
Module 2 Influence and Persuasion
Unit 1 Reciprocity  
Unit 2 Commitment & Consistency  
Unit 3 Social Proof  
Unit 4 Liking  
Unit 5 Authority  
Unit 6 Scarcity  
Module 3 Clear Thinking
Unit 1 Use 3 Steps  
Unit 2 Focus On 4 Elements  
Unit 3 Know Your Biggest Obstacle – Clutter  
Unit 4 Use the Bracket Tool; Use Punctuation for Clarity  
Unit 5 Help Listeners Listen  
Unit 6 Getting Started  
Unit 7 Structure Makes the Difference  
Module 4 Clear Objectives
Unit 1 Basics  
Unit 2 Make Objectives SMART  
Unit 3 THP Review  
Module 5 Mentoring Moments
Unit 1 Mentoring Moments  