Goals are easy to talk about but often difficult for people to create. So, I hope the following helps you get more done. Below is a process for individuals, and you can easily adapt it for organizations. Or, if you want to save time, download this form for organizations.If you need a complete planning system for organizations, we have just the ...
Anyone who receives a product from you is a customer or client. The customer needs something from you, and hopefully, they get it from you. Unfortunately, what the customer needs may not match what the customer gets from you. That spells "dissatisfied customer" or maybe "lost customer." Finding ways to determine if they are satisfied with what you give them is ...
Are you feeling bad or sad? You probably want different emotions. It is easier than you think! Just act the opposite way. Since your feelings are primarily responders and often untrustworthy, change your actions to help your emotions change. Acting Then Feeling, or...You realize significant benefits when you act, even when your emotions oppose the right action. And there are times ...
One of the best ways to help yourself stop controlling is to slow down. That helps you remember the control boomerang that is about to hit you.Remember what we say about most control people? They are...Good people up to NO GOOD!When we control, there often is a desire to keep people out of trouble and keep them from making mistakes. ...
A moment of truth conversation is like it sounds. You take a few moments to aid learning and growth. When done right, it helps individuals move toward excellent performance. On average, from my experience, a moment of truth is only a few minutes. Every leader faces times when a person needs some correction in their behavior or the project they are ...
The Freedom V is a great tool and principle, because it helps you see the link between freedom and self-governance. The V graphic is self-explanatory. The table to the right in the picture below provides more information.The two most important elements are the V shape and the arrow in the middle.Freedom V GraphicFirst, the V shape. The lines on the ...
One of the essential values for leaders is self-governance. It is not only crucial for the leader but also for everyone they influence to be self-governing. So, the leader works on their self-governance and teaches others to be self-governing.Okay, but what does that have to do with Eric Clapton, and what the heck is hyperbolic discounting. I hear you, and ...
The five stages of team development help a team know where it is. Additionally, it helps a team learn how to go through each stage. When people are assigned to a project, they are often called a team. But, it is doubtful they are an effective team, even if they have worked on a team before. On the other hand, ...
Trying to control almost always ends up with a boomerang effect. The person controlling ends up being controlled. Is that what is happening with you? If you want to know if you are trying to control, the boomerang effect is a good sign that you are.Most of us who are control freaks, find it difficult to label control as something ...
Seldom will you find listening and asking questions to be essential skills for leaders.But why? It's a glaring imbalance in leadership training that overwhelmingly focuses on speaking and persuasion. Think of it this way - many people make a living providing speeches for organizational events. Being a persuasive, fun speaker is highly valued. They will often have a "Keynote Speaker" for ...