Great teams or collaborative results are critical for most organizations. But a big problem looms over all teams, and great teams deal with the PROBLEM.If you haven't read The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, please do. He provides excellent insight into five mistakes that hurt teams and teamwork. Here is his list altered slightly.Lack of trustUnclear or ...
Powerful relational leaders use proportion, not balance. They are not too powerful or relational - they are just right for each situation. They understand that leading is about getting results AND developing people because they know the critically simple point that people get results!Of course, new and seasoned leaders wrestle with how much they should get results from the people ...
If you are in the servant leader structure, the path of least resistance is servant leader behavior because structure demands behavior.That does not mean much to you unless you understand what structure is. Don’t worry; structure is very practical once you learn more about it. So, let's talk about structure because it is a compelling principle in everyone's life.Physical and ...
Powerful and effective speaking comes from Thought, then Talk. But the clarity of your thoughts helps you create clear speaking. Muddled thoughts equal muddled speaking! A clear mind allows you to speak clear words, sentences, and ideas. It is almost humorous how the drift in the culture is that you know something clearly but somehow can’t find the words to explain ...
Great leaders demonstrate 5 essential leader capacities or abilities. Each capacity is necessary, but it takes all 5 working together to be a GR8 leader. More importantly, the 5 essential leader capacities work best with a firm foundation of the 6 Critical Leader Values. Thomas Edison stated, “Vision without execution is hallucination.” No doubt, execution is a critical part of leadership, ...
When you trust your opinion, it's often the same as what you believe. Sometimes it is held very closely and influences more of your life. Are you curious, or are you convinced about your opinion? If so, it is even more dangerous for you if proven wrong. Do you think about how much your opinion on important issues influences your ...
When you engage your employees in developing your purpose, it helps the purpose of the organization get "into their bones." So, if you want employees to know and, more importantly, live your company's purpose, get them involved while creating it.Generally, it is better not to limit the development of your purpose to a select group. When you do, you miss ...
Do you complain and lose the energy to get out of bed to work out or go to work or school? Consider using primary and secondary choices. It would be best if you had this great principle because you can make something good into an obligation. When that happens, it is much harder to do that good thing.For example, think ...
Do you want to become a better listener? If so, start with these seven listening roadblocks. Generally, five roadblocks are easier to see and correct, but that may not be true of you. It depends on your values and how you have developed so far in your life. On the other hand, the last two roadblocks can be challenging to see, ...
Great listeners know how to listen by seeing what people say. That sounds strange, but that is what leads to listening excellence. It is true! Robert Fritz teaches people how to see a conversation as a video. Check out his training. It is extremely valuable for leaders because you begin the critical process of understanding how people think.While the steps ...