A vast difference exists between feeling obligation or "have to" versus "want to." What happens when you think you "have to" do something? Think about that Saturday when you get to do whatever you want. Now think about how easy it is to get out of bed!But, on those days that you "have to" do those awful chores, those menial ...
What would you say is the biggest mistake in goal setting? Would you say it is a goal that is not specific or has no clear metric? Maybe it is when a goal is focused on actions instead of a clear end result.Those are problems, but they aren't the biggest goal-setting mistake. And, by the way, the same is true ...
Freedom and choice are essential to being a great leader, but the common leadership approach uses control through manipulation or domination.Imagine a large dog trotting eagerly toward the house. He has been out chasing rabbits, and has worked up quite an appetite. As he approaches the porch where his food bowl sits, he slows to a halt. A black-and-white-striped creature ...
If you fear conflict, it is most likely because you have a wrong view of it. Most people fear conflict and see it as something they have no desire to participate in. And, the conflict cycle creates much of the dread and negative emotions. Without good skills and a proper view of conflict, it turns into a joy robbing, repeating ...
Coaching others to excellence has four secret ingredients - MOT (Moment of Truth), THP (There, Here, Path), ALA (Act, Learn, Adjust), and Persist. Moment of Truth (MOT) uses the structure of the other three. MOT encourages performance excellence, and you dramatically enhance your ability to lead and coach when you use MOT. And one of the most overlooked elements is preparing ...
Great teams or collaborative results are critical for most organizations. But a big problem looms over all teams, and great teams deal with the PROBLEM.If you haven't read The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, please do. He provides excellent insight into five mistakes that hurt teams and teamwork. Here is his list altered slightly.Lack of trustUnclear or ...
Powerful relational leaders use proportion, not balance. They are not too powerful or relational - they are just right for each situation. They understand that leading is about getting results AND developing people because they know the critically simple point that people get results!Of course, new and seasoned leaders wrestle with how much they should get results from the people ...
If you are in the servant leader structure, the path of least resistance is servant leader behavior because structure demands behavior.That does not mean much to you unless you understand what structure is. Don’t worry; structure is very practical once you learn more about it. So, let's talk about structure because it is a compelling principle in everyone's life.Physical and ...
Powerful and effective speaking comes from Thought, then Talk. But the clarity of your thoughts helps you create clear speaking. Muddled thoughts equal muddled speaking! A clear mind allows you to speak clear words, sentences, and ideas. It is almost humorous how the drift in the culture is that you know something clearly but somehow can’t find the words to explain ...