Proven. Practical. Powerful.

For a limited time, get the complete CATALYST System
at an 80% discount: $197/month, $37/month!

You will get...

  • A Personal Roadmap - Focus on what's important to you.
  • Proven Leadership Coaching - You can be confident that it works!
  • Clear Principles and Tools - Gain confidence to lead anywhere.
  • Short, Single Topic Videos - Learn at your own pace when you have time.

...and much more

Look How Others Improved Their Leadership

For more than 4 years, we tracked 8 classes of participants to see how they changed their leadership behaviors from the beginning to the end. Look at the outstanding results!

Selected Behaviors Improved

Improved Their 2 Selected Leadership Behaviors

A 360 Survey at the beginning of each class provided feedback from supervisor(s), peers, and direct reports. The same survey was used at the end. Each person selected 2 leadership behaviors to work on, while they were in the GR8 Leaders program. One class had 93% of the people improve their scores and the lowest class had 69% improve

OVERALL Behaviors Improved

Improved Their OVERALL Leadership Behaviors

The same 360 Survey provided an OVERALL score for each person. Like the 2 selected behaviors, the overall score was tracked. One class had 89% of the people improve and the lowest class had 57% improve. For all 8 classes studied there was a 69% average improvement in the Overall survey score.

Important to my work

Agree or Strongly Agreed - "GR8 Leaders is important to my work"

The participants saw that the information wasn't theoretical - it applied to everyday situations that helped them lead and manage more effectively. Additionally, the emphasis on valuing people helped them see how that translated into productivity of the team more quickly than focusing more time on additional technical proficiency.

More Effective Leader

Agree or Strongly Agreed - "I am a more effective leader as a result of confidence in applying the knowledge/skills learned thus far in GR8 Leaders"

Effectiveness is often acquired through consistent practice, and practice happens more often when things are simple and easy to apply.

Applying At Work

Agree or Strongly Agreed - "I am confident in applying the knowledge/skills I am learning immediately back at work"

Confidence is a leading indicator that a person is more likely to apply what they are learning back on the job.

People Struggle To Learn How to Lead!

  • They don’t know where to start.
  • They don’t have access to good leadership training.
  • They think good leadership training is expensive.
  • They think good training is time-consuming.
  • They think it’s complex and hard.
  • They think it takes an advanced education.
  • They think it doesn’t directly apply to day-to-day scenarios.

GR8 Leaders SOLVES all of that! You Get...

A Personal Improvement Road-map to Follow

Focus on what's most important to you

The FREE Leadership Capacities assessment gives you a personal improvement roadmap. You can leverage your learning - select videos that will help you the most.

PROVEN Leadership Information Not FADS

You can know the system works

GR8 Leaders is a leadership system that works! In a 4-year case study - 94% of the people became more effective leaders, and 79% improved their leadership behaviors.

Simple Principles, Tools, and Insights

Gain confidence to lead any time or place

Learn simple definitions, use clear tools, principles and forms, then watch your confidence soar. The System focuses on 5 leadership capacities needed in any leadership situation.

Short 3 to 10 Minute, One Topic Videos

Learn at your pace, on your own time

Short videos let you to learn a principle or concept on a short coffee break. And, you can easily refresh your learning, quickly. Spend 2 or 3 hours or just 15 minutes - your choice.

A Study Guide for Each Course (307 pages)

Easy access to an extensive resource

Each course has a clear Study Guide you can download and use as you watch the videos. The Study Guide is in outline form, so it is easy to follow and is comprehensive. In other words, it is all "MEAT' no fluff.

Assessments to See Your Current Status

See where you are - measure your progress

Take our leadership capacities assessment and your score will show where you are now. Apply the GR8 Leaders concepts, principles and tools for a period of time. When you are ready, retake and note the changes.

Short Tests and Quizzes After Many Videos

Maximize your learning and retention

Take the quiz after a video to see if you understood the information. Correct answers remain as a resource when you  refresh what you learned. It is always good to repeat, because you reinforce learning.

Practical Forms, Worksheets, Outlines

Forms help you apply what you  learn

Use a form on the job and see how it can help you think and lead more effectively. Often, using a form helps you learn and retain a principle or tool quicker, because you take the time to apply information to your situation.

The CATALYST System is proven, practical, and powerful. It can FAST-TRACK your leadership and career!

You Can Stop Being...

  • under prepared for influencing people
  • unfocused when vision and direction are needed
  • confused about how to develop the right skills
  • overwhelmed with how and where to start
  • frantically looking for "secrets" and the latest leadership fad

Because GR8 Leaders SOLVES All of That TOO!

GR8 Leaders Courses on iPad

13 Leadership Courses That Work

GR8 Leaders gets you started with Leadership QUICKStart. Then, the remaining 12 courses are organized by the first 4 leadership capacities. You get 3 comprehensive courses in each capacity to maximize that capacity. The 5th capacity, Communication, is woven into the other capacities and has Course 3 dedicated to it.

Nearly 500 Short, 3 to 10 Minute Videos

You select videos in each course by collapsing or expanding the outline on the right side of the page. In the picture to the right, the video shown is the second video in Module 4, which you can see on the right-hand side of the page.

GR8 Leaders Videos
GR8 Leaders Quiz iPhone

Quizzes After Many Videos

You take a quiz at the end of the videos in the first few courses to help retain the content. And, when you provide the correct answers, the answers remain as a resource when you need them in the future.

Worksheets, Forms, Assessments

The worksheets, forms, and assessments help you apply the concepts and principles taught in the courses.

GR8 Leaders Study Guide forms
GR8 Leaders Study Guide with bag

307 Page Study Guide

Each video tracks with a COMPREHENSIVE Study guide for that course. The Study Guide is in outline format, so it is 307 pages of meat, no fluff.

You Can Advance Your Career by Learning...

  • How to create clear expectations (purpose, strategy and goals) and focus everyone’s energy on achieving them
  • How to maximize people’s accountability and freedom increasing your time for strategic items
  • How to be a world class leader using underrated, under taught and underutilized attributes and skills available to everyone
  • How to encourage and develop high performing teams
  • How to communicate and persuade with clarity, brevity and impact
  • How to help teams resolve conflicts and use those conflicts constructively
  • How to get your emotions to work for you NOT against you and the common pattern for changed lives
  • How to facilitate team results without demanding
  • How to become a continuous learner focused on improving yourself and the company
  • How to speed up change in the people and organization without dominating or manipulating
  • How to use the simple, common pattern for changed lives to help you and others change
  • How to coach people to higher performance when their performance is sub-par and they aren't meeting expectations
  • How to persevere to the finish, because starting is great, but finishing is the goal
  • ...and MUCH, MUCH MORE!


30-days Risk FREE!!

We are so confident that you will absolutely love GR8 Leaders that we are offering a full 30-Day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee … we take all the risk so you don’t have to…

Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself and the GR8 Leaders CATALYST System.

As an executive coach, organization coach, and consultant, I have the privilege of working with outstanding people just like you! It's fun to watch people grab onto the simple, yet profound concepts available in GR8 Leaders.

Take advantage of this special offer!


Hermann Eben
