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  • 2.12 – Finish Strong, Persevere with Change

2.12 – Finish Strong, Persevere with Change

$225.00 or $20.00 / month

Most changes fail and many more are never finished even when they show great potential. When you see the end approaching, it is easy to reduce your energy and coast. Time to change your mind and finish strong. When you finish strong, you improve the chances for long term success of the change effort. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to persevere to the end. Don’t tire of doing what is right. Finish strong.

Most changes fail and many more are never finished even when they show great potential. When you see the end approaching, it is easy to reduce your energy and coast. Time to change your mind and finish strong. When you finish strong, you improve the chances for long term success of the change effort. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to persevere to the end. Don’t tire of doing what is right. Finish strong.


When you want to finish strong, optimism is helpful. A smile or laugh is contagious. Unfortunately, so is pessimism. While positive thinking can provide some good benefits, it is not the answer. Non-negative thinking is the better approach. It is about being clear minded about resources, obstacles and opportunities, not trying to “positive think” them away, and not letting those things prevent you from moving forward toward your desired results.


When leaders focus, they serve the people and the organization best. Distraction is part of all of our lives and worse yet, it is a lifestyle for many. Removing distractions can be difficult, but you can conquer them when you segment, simplify, slow down, and single task. Since you do not control our environment, you need to know how to focus when others are creating distractions.


Starting is critical, but finishing is the goal. Persistence is part of the 1 Timeless Process (see course 1), because it helps you get THERE. In the last phases of any project, you need to focus on five key actions – stay connected to the team, communicate clearly and consistently, focus on deliberate action, give everyone freedom to act, and outrun the resistance.

THP for the Future

Time to revisit strategy and THP. You can use our great business analysis forms to help you apply the continual process of focusing on THERE. The forms use “Opposites” or digital thinking to help you process your thinking about your organization.

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