2.10 – Catalyze Change – Start with You

Be A Catalyst reinforces the critical element for leaders about having values and standing on them. Leading change requires discipline, focus, and not becoming like the people or situation that needs changing. Change tests the character of a leader and whether they are leading. It’s easy to bow to pressure if you do not have a clear end result and the desire to achieve it. Recognize and Recover from Mistakes promotes vulnerability as strength not weakness. Leaders who find ways to prevent or minimize the 10 Fatal Flaws and 18 Common Mistakes help themselves and their organization. They become “real” and are likely seen as such by others when appropriately relating mistakes. Being accountable for mistakes, not blaming others, and making plans to change create a truth structure for the organization that is essential for sustained viability. An effective start for recovery is learning the art of apology – Agree, Acknowledge, Admit, and Announce. Get Over the Past focuses on a major obstacle to leaders, relationships, and organizations. Too often, the past is treated as if it is still with us, but it isn’t. It’s over! Living in the past moves us out of reality, stunts growth, and prevents positive change. The primary method to prevent the past from controlling you today, especially when someone has wronged you, is forgiveness. Don't think this is only a topic for religions, it is 100% applicable to work and everyday life.